Saturday, April 4, 2009

Thing 23

Is it the end or just the beginning? Finally, I can say I am completing THING 23. I have learned so much about the internet that I didn't know before as well as learned how to utilize some really cool tools that I had used on a personal level but had never considered using in my classroom. Using technology is very important in the classroom. As I finish thing 23, I hear my teenager in the basement using You Tube to view skateboarding videos. As teachers why can't we encourage these techie kids to use their technology tools to create their own Podcasts, videos, and presentations. In addition, as eductors, why don't we share more of our teaching expertise through these same tools? Is it time? Money? What holds us back? As I embark on this technology journey, my hopes are to continue this Blog and add more educational technology information. I hope my collegues do to!!! Good luck! Send me your cool links! Lora

Thing 22

Michigan Learnport is an excellent way for teachers to get online professional development. I have taken some online professional development before including some during my university time. I like online classes for several reasons-- they are usually self paced. You can do them when ever you choose (ie-- this is great for night owls or early birds). There is no cost for parking, walking across a campus, or babysitter fees to pay when you take an online class.

This online class has been fun. I like that I could work on it at my own pace! I personally just set aside time each week when I wouldn't be bothered and spent a few hours wrapped up in it. The most challenging personally was the PODCAST. I hate the sound of my own voice and after three attempts I went with the best of the worst. My favorite activities were the teaching videos and the picture editors.

Thing 21

I HAD A BLAST WITH THING 21. On Teacher Tube there are so many excellent presentations (with a matching amount of boring ones!). While You Tube is blocked at my school, I will be chacking and hoping that Teacher Tube is not. Either way, I am going to be using the downloaded video featuring a book preview for the Little House books. Even though we are half way through the book, I think my students will like it. I also think we may do our own videos like it when we are done. We already used video to present some stories we wrote at the beginning of the year, but I think they will like looking at some others have created.

ps. The Pirate Videos from New Mexico State were great. My middle school son kept searching for more of them after I showed him the one I uploaded.

Teacher Tube-- Thing 21

Thing 20B

The podcast idea in the classroom was interesting. I definately will have my students listening to Podcasts in the near future. My favorite were the ones from Colonial Williamsburg. My students are reading Little House in the Big Woods right now and I am going to try to find one on frontier living.

Making a podcast was somewhat more challenging. My students have made videos this year and that was a long process. I may try this with a few students before I implement it with a whole class. Twice weekly, I do a combined class with the speech therapist. This may be something we can implement together. After all-- two teachers can get it done easier than one:)